Public Workshops

These are remote Zoom workshops. Attend from anywhere in the world!

Here are some brands that have sent their developers to get trained with us. See the whole list

GoogleAppleNetflixPayPalSlackAdobeMicrosoftPixarIndeedDisneyStarbucksPokemonAT&TSamsungStaplesGoDaddyAirbnbNew York TimesHPSalesForceCredit Karma

Which workshop should I take?

If you have less than a year experience, you should take Thinking in React then Web App Strategies with React. Both of these have beginner and advanced topics. We find that attendees with as much as 18-24 months experience often say they learned a lot in Thinking in React and that it did a lot of "gap filling" for them.

If you're interested in taking What's new in React 19, just know that we'll assume you already know React at about the level of the Thinking in React workshop. Take a look at its topics, if you know them fairly well then you're ready for learning our React 19 topics.

If you took the Thinking in React and Web App Strategies with React, or if you feel like you're already becoming quite advanced, then you would be ready for our Advanced React Patterns workshop. This content teaches React 19 topics and overlaps some of the What's new in React 19 workshop.


Thinking in React
For beginners and experienced alike, gain a deep understanding of React Core concepts
Mar 20, 20251 Day
Web App Strategies with React
Architecture, Global State, and Data Fetching Strategies
Mar 21, 20251 Day
Thinking in React
For beginners and experienced alike, gain a deep understanding of React Core concepts
Apr 17, 20251 Day
Web App Strategies with React
Architecture, Global State, and Data Fetching Strategies
Apr 18, 20251 Day
What's New In React 19
Learn all the new hooks, React Server Components, and Patterns for React 19
Apr 21, 20251 Day

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